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Anchor 1 - Skype / Zoom
Download Skype and create an account
1. Create or Sign to your Skype account.
2. Search for your teacher using their Skype Name (provided by admin staff).
3. Send your teacher a text message “Hi, I am [student’s name]” on Skype
4. Your teacher will accept your message and start a call at lesson time.

Download Zoom
Click "Join a Meeting"
Type in your teacher's Personal Meeting ID & Passcode
Click "Join", then "Join with Video"
Wait for your teacher to let you in to the video lesson

Sharing Your Music Sheets/Video files with Teachers
Anchor 2 - Share Music Google Driv
Request a link (Google Drive folder) from admin team
Download or upload files to your dedicated folder
Faster - No need to send files through admin email
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