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For AMEB exams enrolments.
01 Confirm Your Enrolment
After receiving the email with your exam details, click the "Confirm Now" button above immediately to fill in the Parent Student's Confirmation Form.
02 Payments
Wait for the exam fees invoice, which you'll receive once your exam is officially enrolled with AMEB.
03 Receive Exam Date
Once you get the exam date and time, ask your teacher for a printed A4 paper of the Candidate Examination Slip and fill it in.
04 Attend the Exam
Make sure to bring the following to your exam:
Original AMEB books or sheets music (no photocopies allowed).
Filled-in Candidate Examination Slip.
Your instrument and accessories.
05 Receive Certificate
Upon passing the exam, you'll receive a certificate. Achieving results of B and above will also earn you a trophy from Music Creators as recognition.
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